Tried Plant Based Butter Yet ?





These days it seems more and more people are entertaining the idea of cutting back on their dairy intake. While plant based alternatives such as soy and almond milk have been around for eons, did you know that now there are also some seriously tasty plant based alternatives to margarine & dairy based butter?


Better yet, some of these plant based butter alternatives are also incredibly versatile so you can not only spread with them, but use them in your daily frying, cooking and baking. But be careful not to confuse plant butters with nut butters, as nut butters taste like err… nuts, whereas plant butters like the Nuttelex* range (which yes, despite the name is nut-free) actually taste “buttery” and can be used everywhere you use traditional butter.


If you are thinking about going totally dairy free experts recommend it is always best discussed with your doctor first. However, for those of us aiming to simply bring a bit more balance into our diets;  suffering dairy intolerances; or for health reasons are seeking cholesterol free products, plant based butters like the Nuttelex range are a great alternative.


One big bonus with the Nuttelex range is that you don’t have to make any changes to your favourite recipes, you can simply swap the butter content for the same amount of Nuttelex. Which, for most of us, can make switching a no brainer with some dishes, and overall far easier to manage when planning meals.


So whether it’s butter for crispy toasties, mashed potatoes or buttercream on your chocolate cake there’s now a super easy plant based alternative to consider. Check it out next time you are in the supermarket- you’ll find them in the chilled products section.


*Nuttelex plant based butters are free from nuts, eggs, lactose, dairy, soy, corn, gluten and cholesterol. They contain no preservatives, artificial colours or artificial flavours, and are GM free. See the Nuttelex range here