A sweet treat that is super simple to make. Left overs can be used with apple or rhubarb for a quick crumble for the following night too!
Pears x 4
Nuttelex x 50gm
Golden Treacle x ¾ Cup
Cinnamon Sticks x 2
Vanilla Pod x 1
Lemon x 1 (Rind & Juice)
Water x 1 cup
1Pre heat Oven to 180
2Using a Vegetable Peeler remove the rind from the lemon & place in the sauté pan
3Juice the lemon & set aside in a medium sized bowl
4Peel the pears (making sure that you maintain the shape) and dunk in the Lemon Juice- this prevents them from discolouring.
5Slice Pears into halves along the stem – so that each half Pear has a stem
6Carefully remove the pips & place back into the Lemon Juice
7Slice the vanilla pod into four thin strips & place with the rind of the lemon in the sauté pan.
8Remove the pears from the lemon juice and add to sauté pan
9Add the cinnamon sticks, treacle, nuttelex & water to the pan then cover with a lid or foil & bake in the oven for 45 – 60 minutes. Or Until the Pears are soft.
10Serve Warm with a dollop of your fave cream, yoghurt or icecream